We Were Pioneers in Zaporizhzhia, Initiating the First Volunteer Squad

We Were Pioneers in Zaporizhzhia, Initiating the First Volunteer Squad

As part of an initiative to engage young people in volunteering, the Zaporizhzhia regional branch of the Ukrainian Red Cross, in collaboration with the administration of one of the city’s lyceums, has launched a volunteer squad. The squad consists of students of the lyceum who have expressed a desire to become part of the Ukrainian Red Cross volunteer team and provide assistance to those in need. 

Volunteering offers young people the opportunity not only to assist others and contribute to positive change in the world but also to develop their own skills, gain valuable experience, and expand their social networks. The involvement of young people in volunteering fosters personal growth, a sense of responsibility towards society, and the cultivation of leadership skills. Furthermore, the fresh perspectives and innovative ideas that young people bring to volunteering projects enhance their success and effectiveness. 

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