Supporting Residents of the 5-Kilometre Border Zone in the Sumy Region

Supporting Residents of the 5-Kilometre Border Zone in the Sumy Region

This time, volunteers of the emergency response team of the Sumy regional branch of the Ukrainian Red Cross delivered humanitarian aid to 126 residents of the village of Fotovyzh, located just 2 km from the border. They were provided with food and emergency kits aimed at meeting the basic needs of people living in combat zones and in settlements experiencing power and water supply interruptions. 

During the first quarter of 2024, humanitarian aid was distributed to 34 settlements within the 5-km zone, including Druzhbivka, Znob-Novhorod, Esman, Krasnopillia, Velyka Pysarivka, and Miropillia communities. In total, 4,250 people received assistance from the Ukrainian Red Cross. 

We stand by those in need! 

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