Rozhyshche District Branch of the Ukrainian Red Cross Holds First Aid Workshop for Schoolchildren and Teachers

Rozhyshche District Branch of the Ukrainian Red Cross Holds First Aid Workshop for Schoolchildren and Teachers

At the Kryzhivka Lyceum, instructors from the Rozhyshche district branch of the Ukrainian Red Cross conducted first aid training for students and teachers. First aid involves implementing simple life-saving actions, which can alleviate the suffering of the victim of an emergency and prevent the development of possible complications. While professional first aid is typically provided by doctors, ambulances may not always arrive at the scene in time. Therefore, the ability of each of us to administer first aid to victims before the arrival of emergency services can play a crucial role in saving a person’s life. 

The main principles of first aid are correctness and appropriateness, and the primary rule is not to harm the victim! 

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