The Ukrainian Red Cross Has Provided First Aid Kits to One of the State Fire and Rescue Units of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine in the Kyiv Region

The Ukrainian Red Cross Has Provided First Aid Kits to One of the State Fire and Rescue Units of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine in the Kyiv Region

First responders of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine are the first to arrive at the scene of an emergency. In the epicentre of events, unforeseen situations can often occur, posing potential threats to the lives of both first responders and victims. Therefore, it is crucial for all individuals involved in emergency response to be capable of administering first aid to themselves and others if necessary. 

To ensure the safety and protection of first responders and to provide timely first aid during their duties, the Ukrainian Red Cross donated 15 fully equipped first aid kits to the 4th State Fire and Rescue Unit of the Main Directorate of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine in Obukhiv, Kyiv region. 

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