Ukrainian Red Cross Launches Psychological First Aid and Psychosocial Support Training Sessions for the State Labour Service of Ukraine

Ukrainian Red Cross Launches Psychological First Aid and Psychosocial Support Training Sessions for the State Labour Service of Ukraine

As an expert in the field of mental health and psychosocial support, the Ukrainian Red Cross conducts training sessions across Ukraine, including close cooperation with the governmental sector.

These sessions aim to familiarise participants with the principles of psychological first aid and psychosocial support tailored specifically for employees in various workplace settings.

During the training, participants learned more about the following issues:

  • the impact of employee well-being on labour productivity;
  • psychosocial support for employees within enterprises;
  • reactions to crisis events, distinguishing what psychological first aid encompasses and what it does not;
  • three guiding principles: ‘Look’, ‘Listen’ and ‘Link’.

The participants also engaged in hands-on practice of psychological first aid skills, advocated for mental health within the working environment, and recognised the importance of taking care of the team and themselves in the workplace.

Due to the state of war, Ukraine faces additional challenges in the field of occupational safety and health. To reduce the risks of industrial accidents and dangerous situations, it is important to take care of employees’ mental health. Equipping individuals with the skills to offer psychosocial support and psychological first aid can significantly enhance both work performance and individuals’ capacity to respond to unforeseen situations in the workplace.

The Ukrainian Red Cross will conduct 20 training sessions throughout the year across the country for employees of the State Labour Service of Ukraine, aimed at enhancing their efficiency in the workplace and equipping them with the skills to respond to emergencies effectively. The first training was held in Dnipro.

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