The Ukrainian Red Cross Implements ‘Reset: Expanding Employment Opportunities’ Project at the Nationwide Level

The Ukrainian Red Cross Implements ‘Reset: Expanding Employment Opportunities’ Project at the Nationwide Level

The Ukrainian Red Cross organised roundtables and open days in the Cherkasy, Mykolaiv, Kirovohrad, Ternopil, and Vinnytsia regions as part of the ‘Reset: Expanding Employment Opportunities’ Project. Meetings were held with representatives of local authorities, heads of educational institutions, employment centres, and other organisations that will support the project’s development at the regional and national levels.  

The issues for discussion were as follows: 

  • State support for employers in hiring vulnerable groups of people. 
  • Cooperation between businesses and the public sector in employment. 
  • Signing memoranda of cooperation with the public sector at the local level. 
  • Signing agreements on trainings for a specific list of professions. 

Today, many people in Ukraine are in search of employment. The reasons are various: change of place of residence, health problems, lack of offers in the labour market, etc. That is why the Ukrainian Red Cross, together with the Spanish Red Cross, has launched a pilot project that will allow people to improve their skills, learn a new profession, or receive funds to start their own business. 

The support of reliable and consistent partners is crucial because it will provide hundreds of Ukrainians with the opportunity to find better jobs or start their own businesses. It is worth noting that the ‘Reset: Expanding Employment Opportunities’ Project is also being implemented in the Ternopil region with the support of the Swiss Red Cross and in the Mykolaiv region with the support of the Danish Red Cross. 

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