Volunteers of the Ukrainian Red Cross Emergency Response Teams in the Mykolaiv and Odesa Regions Honoured for Courage and Professionalism

Volunteers of the Ukrainian Red Cross Emergency Response Teams in the Mykolaiv and Odesa Regions Honoured for Courage and Professionalism

“In recognition of their high professionalism, personal initiative, and courage demonstrated during the rescue of people, as well as their selfless dedication throughout rescue operations,” – Odesa Mayor Hennadii Trukhanov honoured the volunteers of emergency response teams of the Ukrainian Red Cross in the Odesa region with distinguished awards.

The Odesa emergency response team volunteers, along with the State Emergency Service of Ukraine, are the first to arrive at emergency scenes. They work alongside other emergency services to provide assistance and remain on site until the consequences are resolved, displaying dedication despite fatigue and other challenges.

In Mykolaiv, the Ukrainian Red Cross emergency response team received special recognition from the State Emergency Service of Ukraine in the Mykolaiv region for their recent assistance to injured firefighters. On that day, the first responders arrived at the scene. While extinguishing the fire, a second detonation occurred, injuring five workers of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine.  Volunteers of the Mykolaiv emergency response team and paramedics provided the firefighters with first aid, reducing the negative impact on their health.

We take pride in every volunteer who remains committed to helping others.

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