In Vinnytsia, Ukrainian Red Cross Instructors Conduct First Aid Training for Regional Branch Volunteers and Social Assistants of the ‘Home-Based Care’ Activity

In Vinnytsia, Ukrainian Red Cross Instructors Conduct First Aid Training for Regional Branch Volunteers and Social Assistants of the ‘Home-Based Care’ Activity

A 12-hour first aid training was conducted for 12 volunteers of the Vinnytsia regional branch of the Ukrainian Red Cross, while a 6-hour training session was held for social assistants involved in the Ukrainian Red Cross’s ‘Home-Based Care’ activity.

“During a full-scale invasion, there is a special threat to the life and health of each of us, so everyone should have the knowledge and skills to provide first aid. A clear understanding of the algorithm of actions will help you pull yourself together and act in case of an emergency,” stated volunteer Yuliia.

During the training, Ukrainian Red Cross instructors introduced the participants to:

  • first aid algorithms;
  • rules for controlling external bleeding;
  • specifics of cardiopulmonary resuscitation;
  • first aid for respiratory obstruction, loss of consciousness, injuries, burns, and other emergencies including stroke, poisoning, acute heart pain, convulsions, etc.

The practical component of the training enabled participants to strengthen their knowledge and enhance their skills.

First aid knowledge proves invaluable for social assistants in their daily duties, such as caring for isolated individuals with limited mobility. Likewise, volunteers benefit from this expertise during emergency responses, humanitarian aid distribution, and providing support to victims.

We prioritise the development and advancement of both our volunteers and employees.

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