Mine Awareness Campaign

Mine Awareness Campaign

The mine risk in Ukraine remains very high. Therefore, it is crucial to inform people about safe actions in the event of discovering mines or other explosive items, as one of the main causes of accidents is the absence of clear protocols for action.

Ukrainian Red Cross instructors across the country continue to inform people about the risk of mines on a daily basis. At each event, our experts explain what constitutes an explosive item, its possible sizes or colours, and most importantly, what to do if one is discovered. During these information sessions, children are engaged in themed games to facilitate better understanding and application of the theoretical material.

Here is the algorithm for safer behaviour in case of detecting suspicious items:

  • Stop.
  • Remain calm; do not panic.
  • Do not touch the item.
  • Call 101 or 102.

Remember to exercise caution and take care of yourself!

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