Providing Assistance to the Affected Population in Smila

Providing Assistance to the Affected Population in Smila

On the morning of April 25th, the town of Smila in the Cherkasy region was targeted by a rocket attack. According to preliminary information, 47 private homes across several streets were damaged by the blast wave and debris. Windows in neighbouring multi-story buildings and other structures were shattered.

The Cherkasy regional branch of the Ukrainian Red Cross is collaborating with the Main Department of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine in the Cherkasy region, as well as regional and district state administrations, at the emergency response headquarters.

Volunteers are distributing humanitarian aid, including blankets and materials to temporarily cover damaged buildings and windows. Additionally, the Ukrainian Red Cross emergency response team in the Cherkasy region is providing assistance to the affected individuals, inspecting destroyed buildings, collecting and assessing the needs of those whose homes were impacted by the strike.

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