Volunteers in Poltava and Zaporizhzhia Donate Blood to Help People

Volunteers in Poltava and Zaporizhzhia Donate Blood to Help People

Blood transfusions can save the lives of the wounded, injured in road accidents, pregnant women experiencing complications during childbirth, individuals with severe chronic diseases, or cancer patients. Each blood donation has the potential to save one life.

In recognition of the daily need for blood donations, the Ukrainian Red Cross organizes blood donation campaigns where volunteers inspire others to donate blood through their own example.

To commemorate the 106th anniversary of the Ukrainian Red Cross, the team from the Poltava regional branch decided to donate blood at the regional blood transfusion centre. Nearly 30 volunteers and staff members donated 12 liters of blood. This generous act means that almost 30 individuals will have the opportunity to receive timely assistance and potentially be saved.

The team of the Zaporizhzhia regional branch of the Ukrainian Red Cross also organized a blood drive.

We extend our gratitude to the volunteers and employees for their dedication in promoting the donor movement and encouraging blood donation.

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