Training for Volunteers and First Responders in the Khmelnytskyi Region

Training for Volunteers and First Responders in the Khmelnytskyi Region

Recently, an event was held in Khmelnytskyi to foster cooperation and enhance the efficiency of emergency response between representatives of the Ukrainian Red Cross and the State Emergency Service (SES) of Ukraine from various regions.

Considering the experiences gained from responding to the aftermath of the man-made disaster in Kherson region, caused by the explosion of the Kakhovka hydroelectric power station dam, and the seasonal floods occurring in many regions of Ukraine, volunteers learned to collaborate effectively in water rescue operations. The training session incorporated the use of Bohun all-terrain vehicles, renowned for their capability to navigate through any natural obstacles. Specifically, participants practiced land driving, water descent, and water driving maneuvers. Quality interaction is the key to effective performance and confidence in the result.


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