Helping Ukrainians in the affected areas is a priority for the Ukrainian Red Cross

Helping Ukrainians in the affected areas is a priority for the Ukrainian Red Cross

Recently, the Ukrainian Red Cross received four mobile bath and laundry complexes and trained staff to operate them, to send them to Kherson and Zaporizhzhya oblasts to provide services to our citizens. It should be emphasised that the URCS cooperates with domestic producers in its activities. Therefore, the production of the complexes, which are currently the only ones in Ukraine, was also carried out by domestic business, in particular, by «Defence Auto» Research and Production Company LLC.

The explosion of the Kakhovka hydroelectric power station by the Russian military led to problems with water supply in many settlements in Kherson, Zaporizhzhia and Dnipro regions. This tragedy also prompted the Ukrainian Red Cross to focus its attention on creating conditions for the population of these regions to meet their hygiene needs. As a result, the URCS has implemented the idea of mobile complexes that can reach the de-occupied territories and areas with damaged infrastructure to meet people’s hygiene needs, as well as their needs for washing and drying personal belongings.

Ensuring the basic needs of Ukrainian citizens in times of war is a constant focus of the Ukrainian Red Cross. The de-occupation of territories, destruction and damage to critical infrastructure are the realities in which Ukrainians live today.

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