Volunteers of the Ukrainian Red Cross emergency response team visited the sites of the rocket attacks in Kyiv and Kharkiv

Volunteers of the Ukrainian Red Cross emergency response team visited the sites of the rocket attacks in Kyiv and Kharkiv

The morning of January 23 began with the shelling of Ukrainian cities. Kyiv and Kharkiv suffered the most.

Volunteers of the Ukrainian Red Cross emergency response team visited the sites of the rocket attacks.

  • Kharkiv. Two strikes at 4 am and 7 am at the city center. Most of the damage was done in Saltovsky and Kyivsky districts. Two educational institutions were damaged. Thirty houses were severely damaged: windows and roofs were smashed, and some buildings received structural issues.
    As of now, the number of people injured in the morning shelling is over 60, including five killed and 57 wounded. Eight children are among the injured.

Eighteen members of the emergency response team promptly arrived at the scene to provide help to the people. The volunteers assisted in search and evacuation operations. Together with the firefighters, they rescued four people from the rubble, transported two injured people to medical facilities, and evacuated a person with limited mobility from the 4th floor. The search for the victims with the use of search-and-rescue dogs is underway. The volunteers stand by to provide the necessary assistance to the victims.

  • Іn Kyiv, the volunteers also visited the sites of the missile strikes. They set up an aid station for firefighters and victims where people could get warm, recharge their gadgets, and seek first psychological aid. The volunteers also provided first aid to several people with minor injuries.

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