Ukrainian Red Cross supports implementation of social adaptation service of the Ministry of Social Policy of Ukraine

Ukrainian Red Cross supports implementation of social adaptation service of the Ministry of Social Policy of Ukraine

The Ministry of Social Policy is piloting a social adaptation service for veterans and their families.

This service will consist of two stages: a social restoration program in a sanatorium or recreational facility and social support in the community. As part of the development of the standard for this service, the Ukrainian Red Cross is working with the Ministry of Social Policy of Ukraine to pilot and develop the first stage, which is the implementation of social restoration program activities in recreational facilities. This stage involves training a team of specialists who will provide the service, supervision and support of the team, development of a program for social restoration in a recreational facility for each day and actual implementation of the program for veterans and their families.

First, the Ukrainian Red Cross has developed a training program for a multidisciplinary team that will carry out these activities at the first stage, and on December 11-15, the first pilot training was held in Vinnytsia, which was attended by specialists of the multidisciplinary team (social work specialists, psychologists), volunteers and staff of the Ukrainian Red Cross, and staff of the Vinnytsia Regional Center for Social Services.

During the training, the newly created multidisciplinary team finalized the social restoration program at the recreational facility. And in 2024, the Ukrainian Red Cross will organize pilot events for veterans and their families. A multidisciplinary team is a group of specialists of different specialities who provide rehabilitation services for social recovery.

The main objective of the visits is to create a safe environment where families can get the necessary support and new knowledge, as well as learn how to interact with each other better, understand the needs of each family member, and communicate with other families. In addition, social workers will be able to assess the individual needs of each veteran and plan their further support in the community.

It should be noted that social adaptation of veterans is the process of returning to civilian life by demobilizing to the previous or new place of living; accepting socio-cultural values and norms of the environment; and establishing relationships with other people. For family members of veterans, this service provides an opportunity to better understand the needs of both themselves and their partners and learn how to provide the necessary support.

In total, the Ukrainian Red Cross, together with the Ministry of Social Policy of Ukraine, will pilot a training program for specialists, a program of retreats for veterans with their families, and will conduct four pilot events.

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