Ukrainian Red Cross helps people after russian shelling of Kherson railway station сійського обстрілу залізничного вокзалу в Херсоні

Ukrainian Red Cross helps people after russian shelling of Kherson railway station сійського обстрілу залізничного вокзалу в Херсоні

According to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, about 140 people were waiting for an evacuation train’s departure at the Kherson railway station. The Ukrainian Red Cross volunteers of the emergency response unit in Kherson region, who keep a daily watch at the station in case a need for support of the population arises, were also at the scene of the tragedy. They gave first aid to the victims, provided first psychological aid, helped people move to a shelter and facilitated further evacuation to a safer place.

As of now, three people have been reported injured and one killed.

Volunteer vehicles have also been damaged.

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