We announce the launch of the competitive selection of candidates for the Audit, Risk Management and Ethics Committee

We announce the launch of the competitive selection of candidates for the Audit, Risk Management and Ethics Committee

Thanks to the joint efforts of the Management Board and senior management of the Ukrainian Red Cross Society, we are honored to announce the launch of a competitive selection of candidates for the Audit, Risk Management, and Ethics Committee. This committee plays an important role in ensuring the highest standards of transparency and ethics in our activities.

We invite experienced professionals who are ready to make a significant contribution to the development of audit, risk management, and ethics practices to join our team voluntarily as independent members of the Committee. Our candidates must not only have relevant knowledge and experience but also be committed to high standards of ethics and professionalism. To be considered for the competitive selection, you must have sufficient knowledge, qualifications, and relevant managerial and professional experience of more than five years in one or more of the following areas (according to the Competency Matrix of the Committee members, as set out in Annex 1 to the Regulations)

  • External or internal audit;
  • Preparation of financial statements;
  • Information technologies;
  • Risk management and internal control;
  • Legal and regulatory support of business activities;
  • Corporate governance;
  • Compliance.

Please send your resume to auditcommittee@redcross.org.ua by 20.09.2023 and expect feedback by 27.09.2023. All details on the Committee’s activities can be found in the “Regulations on the Audit, Risk Management, and Ethics Committee”.

We are pleased to welcome new talented members of the Committee who will work with us to promote the development of audit, risk management, and ethics practices in our operations.

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