Information Session on Psychosocial Support for the Volunteer Team

Information Session on Psychosocial Support for the Volunteer Team

For our team, it is essential not only to assist the public but also to raise awareness, ensure well-being, and promote the preservation and strengthening of the mental health of the Ukrainian Red Cross Society staff and volunteers. To this end, an information session was conducted for 23 participants during the Training for Trainers in Volunteer Management. 

During the session, Inna Dyka, Chief Specialist of the Mental Health and Psychosocial Support Unit, and Den Humennyi, Mental Health and Psychosocial Support Trainer, discussed the following important issues with the participants: 

  • the concept and types of stress; 
  • potential risks to the well-being of volunteers; 
  • the volunteer support system, including formal and informal meetings, the peer-to-peer format, and the buddy system (partner support); 
  • key points in planning, preparing, organising, and conducting team meetings to ensure the well-being of volunteers and staff 

The session was conducted as part of the EU4Health programme, supported by the Danish Red Cross. 

The knowledge gained will contribute to strengthening the support system within the team. 

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