In Kiliia, a volunteer from the Ukrainian Red Cross Health Promotion and Disease Prevention Unit held an individual session
During the visit, an information session on “Arterial Hypertension” was conducted for the beneficiary of the Home-Based Care programme. The session covered arterial hypertension, its symptoms, the factors contributing to the disease, and how to reduce the risk of exacerbating hypertension. Practical sessions on “Blood Pressure Measurement” and “Body Mass Index” were also held. These topics were specifically selected as the woman is registered with her family doctor for hypertension. The meeting proved useful, and new visits are planned for the coming year to continue supporting the patient’s health.
It is worth noting that the Health Promotion and Disease Prevention team of the Ukrainian Red Cross regularly conducts both group and individual sessions for residents of the Odesa region. These activities are implemented with the support of the German Red Cross.