Ukrainian Red Cross took part in safety trainings in Kyiv underground

Ukrainian Red Cross took part in safety trainings in Kyiv underground

Our volunteers showed by examples what to do in case of explosive injuries, bleeding, no breathing. Anyone willing could train the acquired skills under the supervision of our instructors.

Next to us, colleagues from the State Emergency Service of Ukraine told how to protect ourselves in dangerous conditions, what explosive objects look like and what to do during the Air alarm signal, what things to take with you to the bomb shelter and where you can generally hide from shelling.

It is this knowledge that saves lives. So, as the Director of the Emergency Situations Prevention Department of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine, Oleksandr Chykrygin, emphasized:

“Unfortunately, 5,000 people have died and 7,000 more have been injured since the beginning of the full-scale invasion of Ukraine. These numbers could be much lower if people followed safety rules and knew how to provide first aid.”

We do not stop disseminating important information for people at our own trainings and partner events. See how the event itself took place in our short video:

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