Countering Fraud and Corruption: Steps to Integrity Training Held in Khmelnytskyi

Countering Fraud and Corruption: Steps to Integrity Training Held in Khmelnytskyi

The event was facilitated by the head and staff of the Risk Management Department, who created a professional and interactive atmosphere for discussing complex issues and developing practical solutions.

As a result, the staff of the Khmelnytskyi regional branch of the Ukrainian Red Cross learned the basics of risk management within the organisation and the principles of preventing corruption and fraud. They also gained insight into the specifics of the Code of Conduct, which serves as the foundation for ethical behaviour within the Ukrainian Red Cross, and the mechanisms of the Integrity Line, including conflict of interest risk management.

The training programme included not only theoretical content but also practical simulation tasks, which helped participants better understand real-world challenges and how to address them.

The training was held with the support of the British Red Cross.

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